Monday, November 11, 2013

Halloween 2013

So for Halloween this year we decided to go "cheap" and find something we already had at home to dress up in.
After many ideas including my favorite Zombie Graduates, we finally decided on an Angel's baseball player and his fan.  We already had the shirts so all we needed was the white eyeliner. I spent a total of $6.45 because everything else we already had!  What a great way to save money and still be able to dress up!

Halloween night we didn't really do much, just went and visited some family but November 1 we went to a Halloween party for a friend.  It was a lot of fun and nice to be able to show off our costumes with my mom and sister.

Hope everyone had a great Halloween.  Please email us at and of your Halloween pictures and we will include you on our blog! Here are a few pictures from the Halloween party we attended:

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