Sunday, September 1, 2013

DSF Pin Release

Being the Disney fanatics that we are, we of course went to the pin release at Disney Soda Fountain in Hollywood on Saturday morning!  What a crazy morning!  We left at 4 am (very exhausting).  We got there at 6:30 am and lined up with the 50 people that were already there.

We were very surprised to see not very many people there at 6:30 so it gave me hope that here would only be about 100-200 people which would be awesome for us.  By about 7:15 the people started slowly coming in and by 7:45 the line was around the buildings and in the Alley.  There were so many people! To be exact there ended up being 365.  At 8am they began handing out the wrist bands to everyone in line.

At 8:15am they were suppose to begin passing out the numbers... but they didn't. Not until almost 9am did they start passing them out! Let me tell you with that long of a wait I was beginning to become very anxious!  The way it worked this time for the release was that everyone was able to get 2 pieces per person per day.  That means each person would get 2 sets if they so desired.  Slowly but surely the line began to move and we finally got our numbers.  My mom who also went with us was lucky and got number 19!  This was her first time going with us so I was excited that she would be able to get 2 sets and be an early number.  Tommy got number 57 another low number.  I unfortunately got the unlucky high number of 270.  After we got our numbers we made our way over to the Mcdonald's down the street for a well deserved breakfast before we had to line up again in order to FINALLY receive our pins!

At 9:30 we finally lined up with my mom and began waiting with her.  9:45...9:50...9:55...10:00.... Still nothing. Something was going on. People were mad and yelling at the employees complaining about the tickets.  People in line were getting mad because the line hadn't begun moving and they couldn't purchase the pins yet (which was suppose to start at 9:30). Watching everyone we started to listen to what was going on.  When the employees had put all the numbers in to be passed out they had let out numbers 100-200! So the last few people did not receive a number which made for A LOT of unhappy people. The DSF employees scrambled to figure out what to do.  Finally Ed the manager came out to tell us all that they had decided that anyone with a wristband would be allowed to buy 1 set.  Some people were happy and others were upset (can't please everyone I guess).  Finally the line got moving and we were on our way to getting our pins.

It was a long morning. I felt bad for all the employees having to deal with some of the customers.  Yes they did mess up and do something wrong, but they did the best that they could to fix the problem and did what they thought was right.  We finally were able to leave that mad house by 11:00am after waiting in line for what seemed like FOREVER.

This was our second time going to the Disney Soda Fountain for a big pin release and so far there have been a few hiccups at each one.  This time there was a little more drama because of how upset everyone was but it was still fun and time we were able to all spend together. This time around were the Back to School ID card pins featuring Jessica Rabbit, Sully, Chicken Little, and Vanellope.  I LOVE THEM! It was so worth the drive and wait.  Now as for the drive back.... I'm not sure sitting in traffic for 5 hours made any of this worth it but at least now we can say that we did it.  We woke up at 3am.  We waited in line for hours to get the pins we wanted.  We made it through the cussing and yelling around us and we FINALLY made it home after a long and exhausting day.

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