Monday, September 23, 2013

Piece Of History: Month of September 9/12/13

So like any collector we made the long drive down to purchase the newest Piece of History pin.  This month it was the Haunted Mansion featuring the grave digger.  Inside the globes are pieces of his scarf. Traffic was surprisingly not as terrible as we thought it would be.  We took the 101 to the 134 to the 5 and did not hit any
traffic until getting onto the 5 but we were so excited about Disneyland the traffic did not phase us:)

When we got to Disneyland we went directly to the pin trading store in Downtown Disney to see if they had our pins.  Sadly they would not sell them until everyone with wristbands came to purchase them first.  So we took the monorail into Disney and headed to Star Tours to get our fast passes.  While Tommy did that I went into Store Command hoping they would have some pins available.  I didn't see any so I was a little bummed but I decided it couldn't hurt to ask.  THEY HAD SOME! and only a few left! So we got some and a few to trade and headed out for some food which of course we went to Bangle Barbecue.

There were a lot of people out trading today outside of the Store Command.  I saw one pin I really wanted the Finding Nemo Marquee but sadly the gentleman would not trade me for it (anyone who has this pin and is interested in trading go to and look at my trades).  We looked at everyones books and saw some interesting pins some we have never seen even.  Sadly we left empty handed with no trades.

After going on Star Tours we went over to Indiana Jones.  It was a 10 minute wait!!! TEN WHOLE MINUTES!!  For any of you who go to Disneyland often you know how exciting this is considering it is usually a minimum of 45 minutes unless you get there as soon as the park opens.  decided to do something we never had and made our way over to the Winnie the Pooh ride and went on it for the first time.  It was a cute ride but it was defiantly a little kids ride so it was not something we will go on again anytime soon;)

After Winnie the Pooh we headed over to New Orleans and went to the train station and waited for the train.  Near there is  a little store that sells Mint Juleps.  We had never had one before so we decided to try it.  It was amazing and VERY refreshing especially considering how hot it was.  so we sipped our Juleps and relaxed on the train all the way to the main entrance.  After a hot day like that it was really nice to just relax and not walk.

After we were both fat and happy we decided it was getting late and it was time to do home.  On our way out we stopped at every store in California Adventures looking for a trading board to see what pins they had for trade.  This began a trading mission and we set out to look everywhere we could before going home.  We checked the World of Disney,  the pin store in Downtown Disney,  the Disneyland Hotel and Paradise Pier Hotel.  ***TIP***  Heres a tip for all you traders the Disneyland hotel has 2 secret boards that we learned about that night.  The first one is in the lobby where you check in.  The board is HUGE and contains about 40 pins.  The second place is at Bell Services right out side the main lobby.  They also have a large board that contains about 15-20.  They are always changing it out with new pins from what we are told so you have a chance of finding a really good even rare pin.  All the hotels have at least one board so be sure to ask around.

After running around looking for pins we finally made our way back to the tram and off to the car.  Luckily traffic was not too bad and we made it home before 11:00 pm.  We can't wait to go back next week for the Pin Trading Event at Paradise Pier!

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