Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Anniversary Weekend Friday 9/20/13- Pin Trading Event

So I decided to do this post separate from our day at Disneyland.  This was our 2nd pin trading event but our first one with Disneyland (our first was at the Disney Soda Fountain).  We were not sure what to expect going into this event and only brought a few of our pins to trade.  We walked the 2 miles from our hotel to Paradise Pier all dressed up and ready for our dinner after and probably the most "dressed up" people at the event.  My feet were killing me from the long walk over in my heels and the closer we got the more I dreaded walking into those big double doors but Tommy was excited so in turn so was I.  The moment we walked through the doors I was instantly overwhelmed.  There were so many people everywhere I did not know where to start.

Tommy started looking at Vinylmations first.  He was ready to trade the few that he had for the Star Wars he was hoping to get.  I on the other hand was having a hard time taking it all in and slowly dying because of the pain in my feet (the things us women do for our men ;) ) After finally being able to get control of what I was seeing I began looking through books.  Not sure of what I was searching for I continued to look.  Tommy on the other hand seemed to know exactly what he wanted and was on a mission to find it.

I finally found someone to make my first trade on.  I was able to trade one of my Jessica Rabbit September calendar for a Jessica Rabbit July calendar.  I also was able to trade the pin trading event pin for that night for a donald ticket to tour for annual pass holders.  I started collecting the Tickets to Tour after the first one came out so I had been looking for Donald for a long time.  I was excited to finally have that pin in my collection.
Caitlin's trades from the event and our weekend
Caitlin's big trades from the event

Tommy's trades from the event and our weekend
**Tommy's thoughts:  So yeah, trading night at Disneyland... I would just like to say that I was present for the big Beanie Baby crash of the 90s and I was having massive flashbacks that night.  People in general take themselves WAY too seriously when it comes to pin trading.  Trade for what you like people.  This is supposed to be a fun hobby, and yet the stress levels from people in that room trying to get the rarest, most desirable pins were sky high.  That being said I personally did manage to find a couple more laid back traders and make a few deals as you can see above.  I got the Wedge Antilles vinylmation I had been wanted by trading Greedo (no one likes Greedo).  My favorite thing I landed all night however was the glow-in-the-dark Gravedigger pin from the Room for 1 More event at Disney World.  Nice little limited edition pin that caught my eye.  I also ended up with an Imagineering pin of the hitchhiking ghosts on my favorite ride, Space Mountain, so no complaints there.  And on the way out of the park Caitlin spotted a cast member with pins that just so happened to have Jose Carioca from my childhood favorite The Three Caballeros so all in all I left with some good trades.**

The event went until 7:30 pm and it seemed to go by way to quickly.  As the night came to a close more people came out to show off their pins and as they began closing up the room traders moved into the halls and continued to trade there.

It is amazing to see so many people get together to share a hobby with each other.  Young and old we all share something in common with each other.

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