Friday, October 25, 2013

First Day of Training

So today Tommy and I began (again) our training for our 5k marathon set to happen in January.  We plan on participating in the Tinker Bell Never Land Family Fun Run at the Disneyland Park.

Overall I'd say today was successful for me.  We went on a "run" (I walked the whole thing) earlier this week but today we actually ran and began our training!  I am proud to say that I completed my first mile in 14:27!  Amazing for me because I am NOT a runner nor have I ever been so to finish a mile that quickly is a big deal for me:).  Tommy finished his first mile in 11:53 today and then finished his last mile with me.  We did a total of 2 miles in less than 30 minutes.  I know, I know, I know only 2 miles we need to get use to doing 3.1 miles but hey! Everyone has to start somewhere and I'd say this was a really great start for me:)

I am extremely excited to continue training and hope to be able to run the whole marathon.  If anyone has any suggestions or advice to make it easier or something that has helped them I would love if you would share it in a comment!

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